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Sell at Craft Shows

Woodworking - Selling Your Projects For Profit
By Ernie Sharpe
If you enjoy woodworking as much as I do than I know you get the same warm glow of pride when you have finished a project. There's nothing more pleasing that starting out with a raw piece of rough lumber and ending up with a beautiful project like a knick-knack shelf or bookcase. More>>>

Candle Making Molds For Making Quality Candles
By Russ Cooper
 Candle making molds will shape the melted wax that is poured into it to cool and harden. Plastic candle molds are good for beginners. They are super easy to clean with soap and warm water. Make sure they are dry before using again because if it is wet you will get bubbles in the candle. If you want to make it into a business you will want to invest in different molds. More>>>

How to Get Your eBay Products to Sell Quickly
By Amanda O'Brien
If you have heard about the success that many sellers have had on eBay but your own auctions are failing to bring in the profits, then you need to know how to get your eBay products to sell. Selling on eBay certainly isn't rocket science, but without knowing a few tricks of the trade you could struggle to get your business off the ground. Fortunately learning how to get your eBay products to sell isn't difficult or stressful. More>>>

How to Sell Handcrafted Jewelry
By Robin Stansberry

The home business is not a easy one to follow as one might think. It requires more time and energy than a 8 hour day job. Most people think all you need is a product even though this is important but having one that people like is another. More>>>


Craft Sale Check Sheet - Items to Pack for a Craft Sale
By Linda Butler
Craft Shows can be an exciting time. You've created a product and now you're ready to promote and sell it at the local craft fair. However, it can be challenging to pack, load your vehicle, drive to the sale and then set up. More>>>

Crafting Your Way to Profits - Four Realistic Ideas
By Marni Levett
Have you ever heard the phrase "Turn your passion into profit?" Is it really possible to do? Yes, it is! But honestly it's not easy and there's no quick fix or secret formula to get you from here to there. More>>>

Is This the Right Time to Start a Business?
By Cherryl Hanson-Simpson
"I've been thinking about starting my own business, but I'm nervous about the current economic climate. Is it advisable to begin a business in the middle of a recession? Are there any industries that might be less vulnerable at this time?" More>>>

Is it Time to Start a Home Candle Making Business and Make Money
By Kaye Dennan
A home based candle making business is one that allows for a lot of flexibility, allows for maximum creativity and allows you to grow it with your artistic flare. Owning your own business and doing something that you enjoy is a real delight. More>>>

Ideas on Selling Your Natural Soap
By Courtney Findlay
Selling natural soap is relatively easy, as long as your price is good, and even better if there is no competition. When I had my little store on main street, there was no competition. I attended a lot of events within a 700 mile radius and always made a profit and gained wholesale and mail order customers. More>>>

A Soap Making Business - 5 Reasons it Still Works
By Al Bullington
Does a soap making business still work today or is there simply too much competition? That is a very good question? Why spend time and energy getting a soap business going what the competition is so stiff that there is no way to get your products noticed. Following are 5 reasons that a soap venture could work for you if you are willing to do the work to make it go. More>>>

Set Up Your Own Work Shop
By Ernie Sharpe
There are certain precautions and steps you need to take to properly set up your woodworking shop. The four main subjects to discuss are Safety, Essential Equipment, Layout Plan and Shop Tools. More>>>


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